Sunday, July 29, 2007

Three's Company

I have finally decided to try my hand in gardening. I bought this pepper plant and this tomato plant back in March. I had just about given up on the both of them until just last week the pepper plant took off. I thought it was just gonna grow leaves. But guess what, I finally got a pepper. Actually there are three. More to come I hope.
And speaking of three, finally this damn tomato plant has gotten over its growing pains. There are three ROMA tomatoes growing. I honestly had really given up on this damn plant. So I guess putting it out of my mind forced the damn thing to sprout some veggies.
And this is Rupert. I have been dog sitting all weekend. Why is it that puppy teeth are so damn sharp? The damn things hurt. My forearms look like I have been beaten with barbed wire. He's a good little guy though. He had a rough time making friends with my Three dogs. Luey, Lola and Shelby. Lola is just a lover. Once she got over the initial shock of another dog in the house, she has instigates the rough housing.

The little guy doesn't know what to think. I hope he isn't sad when he has to go home. And yes he has to go home. There is no way in hell, I would be allowed to have another dog. These dogs are like children. Hell they are my children what am I talking about. 3, 2, and 1 are their ages. That's enough to drive anyone crazy!

Well Rupert is up from his nap. So I gotta tend to him. We don't want any wet spots on the carpet.

Keep going beyond, you never know what's on the other side.


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