Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Unexpected Surprise!!!

Surprise!!! You have been selected to receive the ARMC Auxiliary Scholarship. No Crap!

I got an email today stating I was getting $400 bucks for school. Damn, I actually forgot that I had applied for the scholarship. I guess it actually does pay to fill out the applications. The email stated that I am eligible for $400 the next two years as long as I have a GPA of 2.5. I think I should be able to do that.

Obviously, I survived that Nutrition test. I wasn't as hard as I thought it might be. Thank goodness for the practice tests on the book's website. I will make certain to do those for every chapter from now on. The only thing that concerned me about the exam was the fact the professor wasn't there. She had a proctor to administer the test. Not very bright in my book. If I am paying almost $1600 for this class, I would like the professor there to answer any last minute questions I might have. I guess I can't have everything. Oh Well!

Keep going beyond, you never know what's on the other side.


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